Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Docks in Linux

I decided to re-install the Cairo Dock on my AAO, so I decided to talk about docks. There are several that can be used. First up is the Simdock. It's very basic, and from my experience, sorta user unfriendly. It doesn't need Compiz-Fusion, so it would possibly be good on lower end hardware. Next, is the Gdesklets Dock. Don't use this one. It has too many bugs to be usable at this time. Next is the Kiba Dock. I personally haven't used this one since it needs to be compiled from source. For most, it's not a problem though. Next is AWN. AWN is the Avant Window Navigator. I have used this before, with great success, but it seems to take up a lot of resources. It has several themes that are downloadable, and 2D and 3D looks. The next really isn't a dock, since you can't actually dock apps with it, but it's good none the less. This one is the Wbar. It is just a dock looking bar that has shortcuts to alot of different apps. goS has it preinstalled. I tried this one, but I was dissapointed with it after using goS. The Wbar in goS just seems more refined, like someone spent a LOT of time setting it up properly. I tried changing Wbar a bit, but it never had the feel of a good bar. So I deleted it almost as fast as I installed it. Lastly, is the Cairo Dock, my favorite. It needs Compiz-fusion to run, but doesn't take up a lot of resources, s it runs very well on my AAO. The Cairo Dock has a OS X feel to it, with many different themes that come with it. It has an autohide feature, which is very helpful with my limited screen space. In my opinion, I would recomend the Cairo Dock for most every one. Now, I know this isn't very in depth, but there is so much to talk about with all these, so I chose to keep it short. What I can say, is that if you have the time, try all of these. What I like, you may not. If you need help with any of these in Ubuntu, message me on Skype. My screen name is slammed87d21. Good luck!

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